Sunday, January 6, 2013

Scars from Gallbladder Surgery

What are the scars you get from gallbladder surgery?

The majority of gallbladders can be removed laparoscopically or through small incisions and the use of cameras.  In this case, you will have 4 small incisions, each about 1-2 cm on your abdomen.  Your surgeon will put the camera through your belly button and thus the scars here are usually well hidden in the belly button.  Two small incisions will be made just under the rib cage on the right side of the abdomen.  A fourth incision will be made in the middle of your abdomen just below your breast bone or sternum. 

If your gallbladder can not be removed safely via the small incisions and cameras, your surgeon will have to make an incision over the gallbladder to remove it.  The incision will be just under your rib cage on the right and usually about 8-12 cm in length. 

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