Sunday, January 6, 2013

What are the scars you get from appendix surgery?

The appendix can usually be removed laparoscopically or through small incisions and the use of cameras.  In this case, you will have 3 small incisions, each about 1-2 cm on your abdomen.  Your surgeon will put the camera through your belly button and thus the scars here are usually well hidden in the belly button.  Two small incisions will be made - one usually on the left side of the abdomen and one a couple of inches below your belly button in the middle of your abdomen.

If your appendix can not be removed safely via the small incisions and cameras, your surgeon will have to make an incision over the appendix to remove it.  The incision will be in the right lower quadrant of your abdomen and usually be about 5-8 cm in length.

Scars from Gallbladder Surgery

What are the scars you get from gallbladder surgery?

The majority of gallbladders can be removed laparoscopically or through small incisions and the use of cameras.  In this case, you will have 4 small incisions, each about 1-2 cm on your abdomen.  Your surgeon will put the camera through your belly button and thus the scars here are usually well hidden in the belly button.  Two small incisions will be made just under the rib cage on the right side of the abdomen.  A fourth incision will be made in the middle of your abdomen just below your breast bone or sternum. 

If your gallbladder can not be removed safely via the small incisions and cameras, your surgeon will have to make an incision over the gallbladder to remove it.  The incision will be just under your rib cage on the right and usually about 8-12 cm in length. 

Diet After Appendix Surgery

What should I eat after my appendix is removed?

In most cases, the appendix can be removed laparoscopically (through small incisions with a camera) without having to make a large incision in the abdomen.  If the appendix can be removed in this fashion there is usually a quick recovering time.  Therefore, immediately following the operation to remove your appendix, your surgeon will likely give you some liquids.  If you can tolerate the liquids then most patients can be given regular food the day of the operation.  Most patients will go home the day after appendix surgery.  There are no restrictions on your diet, however, most people take it easy for a couple days with a bland diet.

If the appendix can not be removed through small incisions with the camera, the surgeon will have to make a larger incision over the appendix to remove it.  In this case, recovery is slower and most patients are slower to tolerate a diet.  You should expect to take a few days to transition from liquids to regular food.

The best approach is a balanced diet with healthy options, but basically, any foods that do not cause nausea or vomiting are appropriate after the appendix is removed.

- Ask-a-Surgeon

here is another helpful link for food ideas after appendix surgery